PinnedPublished inİyi Yazılım PaylaşımlarıSizin de kapsamınız sünüyor mu? Ya da hiç altın kaplama yapıyor musunuz?Yazılım projelerinin analizinde ve yönetiminde çok yaygın yapılan en temel iki problem kapsam sünmesi (scope creep) ve altın kaplama (gold…Apr 10, 20221Apr 10, 20221
PinnedPublished inİyi Yazılım PaylaşımlarıGörüşme Tekniği — Gereksinim Edinme TeknikleriGörüşme, mülakat ya da röportaj olarak da bilinen bu teknik (İngilizce interview) iş analizi bilgisi edinmek için kullanılan en yaygın…Apr 5, 2022Apr 5, 2022
PinnedPublished inBetter Software SolutionsAnalysis ParalysisWikipedia defines analysis paralysis as:Apr 3, 20222Apr 3, 20222
PinnedPublished inBetter Software SolutionsWhat Should You Ask to Elicit Software Requirements — StakeholdersAnyone, any company, and any organization that is affected by and can affect the project, solution, or product is considered a stakeholder…Mar 24, 20222Mar 24, 20222
The Four Pillars of Leadership Skills: Facilitation, Mentoring, Coaching, and TeachingIn the realm of leadership, it’s easy to confuse the terms Facilitation, Mentoring, Coaching, and Teaching. While each of these…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
The Power of Teaching in Leadership: Cultivating Growth and Fostering SuccessWhen we talk about leadership, teaching is often overlooked as one of its vital components. Yet, it is precisely this element that…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
The Art of Facilitation: Steering Groups Toward SuccessIn the world of teamwork and collaboration, the role of a facilitator is often underestimated. Facilitation is not just about moderating…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Unlocking Potential: The Power and Purpose of CoachingCoaching has been heralded as a pivotal tool in professional and personal development. Yet, the term often remains shrouded in…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
The Transformative Power of Mentorship: Why It Matters and How to Make the Most of ItWhen it comes to personal and professional growth, few relationships are as impactful as the one between a mentor and a mentee. Mentorship…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Published inBetter Software SolutionsThe Golden Tickets to a Flourishing Project Management CareerIn a competitive professional landscape where clearly demonstrating one’s proficiency has become more significant than ever, securing…Sep 9, 2023Sep 9, 2023